Sunday, April 14, 2013

We've done it! \\( ^ _ ^ )//

Well done children! Your perseverance and effort have paid off!
A special thanks to Mrs Yee and Mr Guo in training the class for this event!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Situational Writing (2)

Dear children,

Please use the starting phrases provided for paragraph 3 to list down the tasks David needs to know know and the venue, date and time of the event.

As for paragraph 4, you may want to start using:

"Please get back to me by ..... "
"I hope to hear from .... soon"

Have fun writing! :)

Mg Ang

Kindness Spreads! Be a part of it!

Words Hurt, Be Mindful.

Monday, March 25, 2013

KWL on Making Ice Cream

Above are the end products of "What you already KNOW" and "what you WANT to know" in KWL strategy conducted in class today. Will update the last part, "what have you LEARNT" when it is done.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Self Checking - Guess and Check Worksheet

Pg 7
Q1) 10 chickens and 5 cows

Pg 8
Q2) 6 cars and 6 motorcycles

Pg 9
Q1) 16 goats and 8 ducks

Pg 10
Q2) 6 bicycles and 9 tricycles

Persevere to get the correct answers if you did not manage to get them correct.

Cheers...Mr Ang

Friday, March 15, 2013

Motivational Video Clips

I believe in you! Study hard!

Winners for the "Book Jacket Design"

Well done, children! I am so proud of you! :)
Let's admire their masterpieces!

Use the "comment" function to send them your congratulations!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

February and March Birthday Babies


Happy Birthday to all of you!
Hope you like the presents! :)

May all your wishes come true!

What are you waiting for?

Use the "comment" function to wish them a happy birthday! :)

Best Model Pupils for Drama Class

Well done, Aniket, Ibrahim and Siqian!
Keep up with the "FUNtastic" work! :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Updates on results of topical tests

Dear parents and children,

Below are the updates as promised.

English (Top 11, not in sequence)
Mirza, Haziq, Ellysha, Sujith, Shi Rong, Danny, Ibrahim, Prasanna, Nigel, Irdina and Aleefa

Average: 86.4%
All passed.

Math (Top 13, not in sequence)
Aleefa, Faith, Janane, Sawn, Sujith. Ting Tai, Phoebe, Ibrahim, Prasanna, Aniket, Lucas, Irdina, Shi Rong

Average: 65%
36 passed and 4 failed.

Papers and exact scores will be released only next week.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Have you got the correct answer?

Worksheet 1
Q2) 106 (3-step working)

Worksheet 2
Q2a) 1070 (2-step working)
Q2b) 856 (2-step working)

Worksheet 6
1b) $1.70 (3-step working)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pet Corner - Prasanna's Pet

This is my pet Delsha. It is very cute. It is in Pink colour.
When I went India I bought this chick.
Everyday I will feed and spend my time looking after it.

My chick is very naughty.
One day I was holding it on my hand and it suddenly poked my hand.
It was not really painful though.
In my house, it will follow behind me where ever I go.
I like my chick alot.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Samples of Group Writing - Complications

Class Discussion (2nd part of the story planner)

Teacher's feedback:
You have a very good ending sentence in your paragraph 1.
"Soon boredom caught up with us" provides a very logical condition for your
group to begin your paragraph 2 using "Then an idea came to my mind".

I hope all of you can see how a paragraph can be linked to the next paragraph through this example.

Next, one way to enhance your writing skills include the use of the "one liner paragraph".
There is only one sentence per paragraph.
For example:

I searched the toilet, no one was there.

I ransacked the cabinets, could not see my brother either.

I opened the old wooden chest... There he was! 

In this piece of writing, we could modify this strategy as such:

Mary searched the bathroom... and took a plastic pole.

Sam ransacked the our parent's room...  and grabbed their beloved blankets.

I scanned through the kitchen... and found a box of matchstick. 

Did you notice that different verbs were used?

Why is that so?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Discussion on Pupils' Group Work (Introduction)

Teacher's feedback:
Generally, your group has answered all the "Wh" questions except for "who".
It is unclear to the reader who do "we" stand for.
Your group has also used the right tense for this recount. That's good!
The setting is also appropriate for the follow-up events that includes making a camp fire.
It is logical that you can probably do it when your parents are not around.

Teacher's feedback:
Seems like your group has finished on the introduction and moved on to the body.
However, let me just comment on the introduction here.
Like the Green group, it is unclear in your write-up on the "who".
As for the rest of the "wh" questions, they are rather disconnected
though they are somewhere in the paragraph. This affects the flow of the recount.
Try to take a look at your friends' work and see how the sentences are interconnected, supporting each other to allow a better flow of the story.

Teacher's feedback:
I like the way how your group has started the paragraph. It is simple but clear.
However, I would like to remind you on the context of the recount.
It is a first person recount where you are part of the story.
However, your group's writing takes on a third person perspective.
It is out of point.

You might want to look at what your friends have worked on and revise your own work.

Teacher's feedback:
Your group has a good starting sentence.
I like the way how your group has answered the 3 "wh" questions
within a single sentence. I am just wondering if the last two sentences
could be joined as one using conjunction "and". Ending the introduction with
all of you feeling bored allows a smooth transition to paragraph two (body) when
one of you came up with an idea to kill the boredom.

However, do try to give names to your siblings. Like most of the groups, try to characterise the "who".

Teacher's feedback:
I like the way how you have linked your boredom to the uninteresting television programmes.
It is good! You also have a good starting sentence.
However, it is unclear to the readers who "we" are in your write-up.
It will also be good if you can state where the setting is as well.
Try to use a few linking words if possible to allow your story to flow better.
Currently, I personally find them a little disconnected.
Refer to your friends' writings for ideas.

Teacher's feedback:
Generally, your group has not defined who the characters are. It will be good to provide more information about them such as their names. It is unclear to me if the boredom was due to the fact that all of you were not allowed to go out or if it had something to do with television programmes.
What do you think?