Monday, February 18, 2013

Ruby's Sunflower (Page 4) - Think Aloud [Red Group]

Use the "comment" function to post at least 3 questions.
The questions should serve the purpose of helping you understand the story better.

Every good question will be awarded with 100 points.

Aniket: Why did Ruby take the ladder?
Aniket: Why did Ruby take a piece of cane?
Aniket, Ibrahim and Raudhah: Did Ruby cheat in the contest?
Karel: Why did Ruby push the cane into the broken stem?
Karel and Raudhah: How did the sunflower stand up again?
Karel and Raudhah: Why was she pushing the cane into the broken stem?
Raudhah: Why did Ruby fetch the ladder?
Ibrahim: Why did Ruby push the cane into the broken stem carefully?
Ibrahim: How did the sunflower stand up tall and look as good as new?
Danny: Why did Ruby want to cheat?
Danny: Why did Ruby use a piece of cane?

Total points awarded: 1100 points


  1. Why did Ruby take ladder?
    Was Ruby cheating?
    Why did Ruby take a piece of cane?

  2. Why did Ruby take a ladder?

  3. Who's sunflower snapped?
    Who did Ruby felt when the sunflower snapped?
    Did Ruby tell anyone?

  4. Why did Rudy pushed the cane into the broken stem?

    How the sunflower stood up tall again?

    Why she pushed the piece of straight cane?

  5. Was Ruby cheat because of she wanted to win?

    why she fetched the ladder?

    How the sunflower stood up again?

    Why was she pushing the cane into the broken stem?

    why was she looking around?

  6. Why Ruby carefully pushed the cane into the broken stem?

  7. How did the sunflower stood up tall and looked as good as new?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. How did her(Ruby) sunflower's stem break?

  11. Test a post from Firefox browser

  12. 1. why did Ruby want to cheat?
    2. Why did Ruby use a ladder?
    3. Why did Ruby use a piece of cane?

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